It is hard to believe that five months of your life has zoomed by. Here are a few things that happened during your 5th month of life.
1. We gave you solid food and you loved it! It took a few times for you to get the hang of it but now you reach for the spoon and try to feed yourself.
Here you are trying sweet potatoes for the first time. You have great expressions when you try something new. It is so fun taking your picture. We never know how you are going to react. Although your face tells a different story, you actually really like the sweet potatoes.
2. Sitting up. Your are sitting up with no help at all and only fall over occasionally. You are a very strong baby and continue to amaze us every day!
You are content to sit and play with toys on a blanket for long periods of time. This lets mommy get lots of stuff done around the house. Yay!
3. Rolling over. You started to roll over from your back to your tummy this month. You are getting pretty good at scooting yourself around with your feet while you lay on your back too.
Here you are on your back. But you won't be there for long.
4. Bath time. You love taking a bath and are so happy in the water.
You spend most of bath time chewing on the wash cloth or trying to reach the water faucet. The running water is so fascinating!
5. Feet. You love your feet and can amazingly get them in your mouth. I don't know how babies can be so flexible.
You have a pair of socks that have a ladybug and dragonfly on them. Here you are wearing them and have managed to get them in your mouth.
6. Swinging. We have a swing in our front yard hanging from one of our live oak trees. You love it!
You are happy to sit and swing for along time. You are so happy and calm when you are swinging.
7. No more swaddle. You are too big to swaddle. No matter how tight we swaddled you, you managed to wiggle out of it. So no more swaddling little one. This makes me sad because it means you are growing up.
I snuck into your room to take this picture. You were sleeping so peacefully.
Here are you official 5 month old pictures...
I wonder why your blanket is all dirty???
You have a mischievous big brother that wanted some attention too! We were lucky that he did not dump it on top of you.
It was much more fun to play with the blocks than to take pictures.
"Are we done yet mom?"
Such a pretty baby!
I love all of your little rolls.
We even managed to get a couple of pics together.
My dearest Sam,
You grow more precious each day. You are working very hard to crawl right now. I know that I only have a short amount of time before the house needs to be baby proofed again. I am already aware that I should be vacuuming much more often. You find all of the littlest things in the carpet and on the floor.
This month was a busy one. We had Easter at home and also went to Austin to hunt eggs at Papa's house. You slept through the hunt both times but your brother sure had a good time. When we shop now you sit in the cart all by yourself. Sometimes your big brother squeezes in next to you and which causes you to fall over. You are content to chew on all things including my grocery list. But Sophie the giraffe is your favorite. We are on our second giraffe, as we take her everywhere and she has gotten lost.
You love looking at yourself in the mirror and I am sure you wonder "who is that baby looking at me?". Your sleep has fluctuated from sometimes good to sometimes not so good. We are still working on that though. Maybe your sixth month will be the one. I sure hope so. This mama sure could use some extra zzz's. We thought solids would help but they have not seemed to make a difference. But you sure love to eat!
All in all, you are definitely a keeper and I cherish each moment we get with you.