
November 7, 2012

Heart of Texas Fair

We here in the Pendley house love Fall.  There are so many things to look forward anticipate.  My birthday of course being the first of these things and then following that comes the Heart of Texas Fair and Rodeo.  I look forward to it every year.  The lights, the smells, the people!, the food...I love it all.

And this year so did Matthew.  I had been talking to him about the fair for at least a couple of weeks and  then when they started to set up, I came up with excuses to drive by so we could see them setting up all of the booths and rides.

A little obsessive you might say.

No way!

Who doesn't look forward to greasy fair food and funnel cakes and cotton candy!, and riding the rides, questionable though I might add, but throwing caution to the wind and doing it anyway.

And speaking of the food...

 Samuel loved the corn dog!

"It's mine! My own, my precious!"

 We had to convince Matthew to try the funnel cake.   

Samuel did not need any convincing.  

 the airplane ride

Matthew and his trusty steed.

Samuel was so excited to finally get on a ride.

Samuel loved the goats.  

We stayed until nearly closing.  Samuel was so done and Matthew was really tired too but I think he would have stayed all night if he could.

November 5, 2012

The Hobbit

"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to say. "You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to."