
September 3, 2013

some randomness

I realize it has been a long time again since I posted.  This was brought to my attention last night by a girlfriend (thanks Amy) while we were watching Breakfast at Tiffany's...which by the way, I am not putting on my favorite movie list, or book list (sorry Natalie) even though George Peppard is quite handsome.

Anyways...oh how time slips away from me.

With busy schedules over the last few months, there have been less and less pictures taken.  But of the few taken there were quite a few cute ones I thought were worth sharing with you.  So I am calling this post randomness because there is no theme or activity or purpose other than to post pictures for you...whoever reads this blog and keeps up with our crazy life with two boys.

I'll start with this totally random picture...

Clifford in the microwave of the play kitchen. Seems like a good place for a nap to me? This makes me smile because I know my boys were having fun playing and using their imaginations. 

And this is a pic taken the day before his first haircut...

It is not too wild here but it was on some other occasions.

When I see this I have to try not to cry.

totally random

We bought a play fort to put in the back yard for the boys. They were so helpful while Patrick was putting it together.

 Boys and digging in the dirt. The two go hand in hand.

 Matthew is really working hard.

 In my opinion, this could be a picture of my brother. Matthew looks just like him sometimes.

 No comment...

 Too cute for a comment...

 Clifford was our first friend to climb in the fort. (Side note to readers...don't be alarmed, this fort does have railings.)

 I think he likes it!

 The completed fort and first slide down.

lookout window

 One big and one not so little.

Samuel adores Matthew and tries to copy everything he does.

 Some brotherly love.


 So dirty.

So helpful.

I can't seem to read to these boys enough. They always want to read and we take frequent trips to the library. 

We find lady bugs in the house all the time. The boys especially Samuel gets so excited. Poor things...I think a couple of them have gotten smashed in all of the excitement.

I keep telling him not to touch. I think this one made it out alive. 

And that is all the randomness for now. But stay tuned because I will hopefully have a part two posted soon.