
October 23, 2012

the labyrinth walk

I was recently on an out of town visit with my aunt in Kerrville.  This was my first time away from both of the boys by myself.  So I guess I was both excited and nervous at the same time.  I was most excited about all of the uninterrupted sleep I was going to get.  But I was also nervous about leaving the boys for three nights.  Patrick's mom came to Waco to help him out during the day so that he could go to work.  She is always so helpful and gracious with her time when we need help.

So I set off to Kerrville all by myself.  No boys, no toys, no carseats in my back seat.  I looked in the rear view mirror several times but there was no one looking back at me.  It was kind of lonely...and very quiet.  

It didn't take long for me to start enjoying myself though.  I mean just the ease of getting out of the car all by myself.  No extra hands to hold or toys or bags.  It was truly refreshing.  

On Friday we went to a butterfly garden.  Have you ever seen hundreds of  butterflies clustered on one tree? I wish I had a picture but I really don't think I could have captured the beauty.  As we walked through the garden, butterflies fluttered all around us.  One even landed on me.  

After we finished at the butterfly garden, we stopped at St. Peter's Episcopal Church to walk the labyrinth.  

I had never walked a labyrinth before, but thought it would be a good time to stop and talk to the Lord.  It is not all that often that I have time to myself to be quiet.  And I have often experienced walking leads to clearer thinking.  

So I started down a narrow pebble path...

I listened for a word from Lord Jesus.  I knew he wanted to tell me something.  I wasn't just walking to walk. There was a message for me.  

As I listened his voice became very clear.  

I often live my life "as the crow flies".  

I am sure you all know what this means but sums it up pretty well.

In a direct line without any of the detours caused by following a road. 

It is very simple, you see, it would only take me about 10 steps and less than 10 seconds to get to the middle of the labyrinth.  But instead there is a winding path that takes you around and around and around...

Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it.

As I walked I heard the Lord saying to enjoy the twists and turns of life.  All paths are not straight "as the crow flies".  If I am following Him, He will guide me through each curve and bend.  He will give me wisdom and strength for all that life has in store.  Trust that His path is the best and safe to follow.

Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. 

In the center of the labyrinth, there is a cross.  When we walk down the right path, it leads to Him.

I encourage you to follow the Lord's path today.  No detours.  No short cuts. Sometimes He just wants to take the scenic route.

October 16, 2012

Fisher-Price Little Superstar Toy

I'll start by saying that not all toys are created equally...

A lot of toys are cheap, plastic junk.  Some are way too expensive. And some fall apart not long after they are opened.

But this toy, the Fisher-Price Little Superstar Sing Along, is great.  We borrowed it from Amanda when Matthew was a baby and never returned it....sorry Amanda.  I'll save it though for your next baby...ha ha ha.

Anyways, both of my boys love this toy.  It has a mirror, music, buttons, a microphone and bright lights.  It's fun to play with and it is fun to watch them playing with it. 

Can you tell which one is Matthew and which one is Samuel?



This toy keeps their attention for a long time.  They both love to look at themselves in the mirror.  I wonder who that sounds like?

Hey, I would smile too if that is what I saw when I looked in the mirror.

Note:  This is not a paid advertisement.

October 8, 2012

pumpkin bread

Well it is officially fall.  The air has gotten cooler, some leaves have started to turn, (well maybe not here but definitely in some part of the world), and I made pumpkin bread.

Pumpkin bread is a staple around here this time of year.  I am not sure if I like anything about fall more than getting to bake and smell pumpkin bread...and eat of course. The delicious smell lingers in the house all day long. I think it is one of my favorite foods.  In fact I think I ate my weight in pumpkin bread while I was pregnant with Matthew.

After baking some on Sunday, we decided it would be fun to let Samuel try it for the first time.

 "I'm waiting!"

Movie anyone?

 You might be thinking I can't believe they gave him that without cutting it up.

It did not take long for him to figure out what to do.

"Manna from heaven."

 I think he likes it.  
This looks just like one of Patrick's baby pictures.

"Just a little wider and then I can fit it all in."

He even tried to share some with me.  A boy after my own heart!

So sweet!

I have since made pumpkin pancakes and they were a HUGE hit too.  I love to cook...especially for my boys!  I will have to see what else I can add pumpkin to.  

October 6, 2012

mystery solved

If you read my post from yesterday, you will already know that I mailed my Grandma a package for her birthday.  Well she did not get that package but did receive a nice over sized painting of a beach.

After contacting UPS, to whom I paid almost $17.00, they explained to me that my packing label was placed on the wrong package.  Many calls and tracking numbers later, they found my pumpkin bread and pictures in Colorado.  The package will be picked up tomorrow from Colorado and shipped to my Grandma in Corpus Christi on Monday.

Mmmm, week old pumpkin bread that has been a ziplock bag and cardboard box for a week. Appetizing!

I called UPS back and they said they would gladly mail my Grandma a fresh loaf of bread if I wanted to remake it and bring it to them.  I think this time I will wait until my box is packed and labeled before I leave the store!

October 4, 2012

because it's my birthday

Today...because it's my birthday...and because I can....I decided to do things that I wanted to do.

  • I slept in.  Well, I slept until 7:45 (a.m. that is).  Some might say this is a horrible attempt at sleeping in. But I'll take what I can get.  

  • I went to Zumba.  I thought about skipping out on my Zumba class but I realllllllly LOVE Zumba.  So I went to Zumba.  I always feel so good after Zumba.  I am trying to figure out more ways to use the word Zumba.  

  • I shaved my legs.  This might be tmi for some of you folks (am I too young to say folks) but it was necessary.  I think Patrick might have kicked me out of the bed pretty soon.  But I also was wearing shorts, which meant I actually had to.

  • I had lunch with my friend Jenni and her two sweet kids.  For those of you who have not met Jenni, she is one of my favorite people to hang out with.  I have not known her long but I like her even more each time we are together.  She has such a calming, gentle spirit.  She is funny and laid back but also sweet and gentle...  qualities I certainly admire.  She makes me feel at ease...taken care of.  

And just as I was going to sit down to spend time with the Lord...also on my birthday to do list, I got an upsetting phone call.  My Grandma, whom I share my birthday with, called to say thanks for the birthday package.  I asked her if she enjoyed the pumpkin bread and pictures.  She said there was no pictures.  She did however receive a huge piece of art...a wall hanging.  I was so confused.  She must have thought I had lost my send her a piece of art in the assisted living home she is in.  A mystery!

So needless to say, I was mad and frustrated and did not want to spend time with the Lord anymore.  Just call me "Sulky Sally".  

But God is good and he persevered in me.  I spent some time with him asking him to fix this mess.  He brought to mind an old song that I sang in high school at youth group...Create in me a clean heart...  The lines in the song that stand out for me today are

                          restore unto me, the joy of thy salvation
                                    and renew a right spirit within me

That is exactly what I needed...a right spirit.  Oh how he can change my heart in an one breath.  Just call on his name and he will come to the rescue.  He did not fix the situation, he fixed my heart.  I am not sure who got the pumpkin bread, the pictures and the birthday card.  I am not sure if I will ever get these things back...but my God is good in all things...and that is what I will take from this.

Back to my do do list...

  • Wear some perfume.  I know this sounds silly...but I wanted to smell pretty on my birthday.   

  • Take a picture of myself.  Trying to be happy with who I am...who God created me to be has always been a struggle for me.  I have often thought others are better than me, have a better life, better marriage, better house, better job...the list could go on and on.  But over the last few years, I have felt this sense that God created me to be me...not someone else.  
         I am trying to embrace me.  Embrace who I am.  
         To be comfortable with myself.  

In an attempt to do this, I had Patrick take a picture of me today.  A picture of just me.  No makeup, no lipstick, no photo shop.   


Just me.

 October 4, 2012
32 years old

And that was my birthday in a nutshell.  

I think Patrick has a sitter lined up for I think a date is also in store for me.  

Happy Birthday to me!

October 3, 2012

a new trick

It is always a joy to watch your little ones discover new things.  The delight on their faces.  The squeals they let out.

Here is one discovery that I was not so excited about.

the potty

I know your probably thinking...what's the big deal.  

Well I'll tell ya.  

Our Samuel can figure out how to operate just about anything.  He picks and pokes and plays until he knows how each button works.  This works on toys, cell phones, remotes...and the toilet.

Once again, one might ask, "what is the big deal?"  

Well, Samuel decided to figure out how to flush the toilet.  

Still...not that big of a deal right? 

This discovery was made while I was taking a shower.


You can see he is lifting the handle up and down as fast as he can...almost like he was pumping it.  The toilet could not catch up.

Now back to the point that I was showering.  My nice hot shower turned into a cold trickle.

I am all for discovery but the timeliness of this one was not great.  He has also taken to turning on the bathtub  now.  This too has happened while I was in the shower.  We have to check the bathroom all the time to make sure the water is not on.

And we thought it was the sprinkler system that caused our water bill to be so high.  

Ahhhh the joys of parenthood!

October 2, 2012

Brusha, Brusha, Brusha

Just recently, Samuel discovered the toothbrush.  Should I be embarrassed that we have not brushed his teeth yet?  I think  he has eight teeth now.

 Get those top ones.

 And those bottom ones.

Don't forget your tongue.

"Look mom, no hands."

"That's a fine looking mug!"

 "I'm done!"

"Your turn, mom."

After Samuel gnawed on the toothbrush for awhile I thought he was done.  It looks like he was handing the toothbrush to me for the taking.  Here is what happened when I tried to take it away from him.

I guess oral hygiene is really important to him.  He was so completely pitiful that we gave the toothbrush back to him and he crawled around the house with it in his mouth for awhile.  He finally lost interest and I was able to put it away.  

I remember another little person that was a little obsessed with his toothbrush too...

No complaints though.  I would rather spend extra money on more toothpaste than at the dentist.  Maybe we will luck out and not have any cavities.