So I set off to Kerrville all by myself. No boys, no toys, no carseats in my back seat. I looked in the rear view mirror several times but there was no one looking back at me. It was kind of lonely...and very quiet.
It didn't take long for me to start enjoying myself though. I mean just the ease of getting out of the car all by myself. No extra hands to hold or toys or bags. It was truly refreshing.
On Friday we went to a butterfly garden. Have you ever seen hundreds of butterflies clustered on one tree? I wish I had a picture but I really don't think I could have captured the beauty. As we walked through the garden, butterflies fluttered all around us. One even landed on me.
After we finished at the butterfly garden, we stopped at St. Peter's Episcopal Church to walk the labyrinth.
I had never walked a labyrinth before, but thought it would be a good time to stop and talk to the Lord. It is not all that often that I have time to myself to be quiet. And I have often experienced walking leads to clearer thinking.
So I started down a narrow pebble path...
I listened for a word from Lord Jesus. I knew he wanted to tell me something. I wasn't just walking to walk. There was a message for me.
As I listened his voice became very clear.
I often live my life "as the crow flies".
I am sure you all know what this means but sums it up pretty well.
In a direct line without any of the detours caused by following a road.
It is very simple, you see, it would only take me about 10 steps and less than 10 seconds to get to the middle of the labyrinth. But instead there is a winding path that takes you around and around and around...
Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it.
As I walked I heard the Lord saying to enjoy the twists and turns of life. All paths are not straight "as the crow flies". If I am following Him, He will guide me through each curve and bend. He will give me wisdom and strength for all that life has in store. Trust that His path is the best and safe to follow.
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
In the center of the labyrinth, there is a cross. When we walk down the right path, it leads to Him.
I encourage you to follow the Lord's path today. No detours. No short cuts. Sometimes He just wants to take the scenic route.
I encourage you to follow the Lord's path today. No detours. No short cuts. Sometimes He just wants to take the scenic route.