
October 2, 2012

Brusha, Brusha, Brusha

Just recently, Samuel discovered the toothbrush.  Should I be embarrassed that we have not brushed his teeth yet?  I think  he has eight teeth now.

 Get those top ones.

 And those bottom ones.

Don't forget your tongue.

"Look mom, no hands."

"That's a fine looking mug!"

 "I'm done!"

"Your turn, mom."

After Samuel gnawed on the toothbrush for awhile I thought he was done.  It looks like he was handing the toothbrush to me for the taking.  Here is what happened when I tried to take it away from him.

I guess oral hygiene is really important to him.  He was so completely pitiful that we gave the toothbrush back to him and he crawled around the house with it in his mouth for awhile.  He finally lost interest and I was able to put it away.  

I remember another little person that was a little obsessed with his toothbrush too...

No complaints though.  I would rather spend extra money on more toothpaste than at the dentist.  Maybe we will luck out and not have any cavities. 

1 comment:

  1. No way with boys that sweet they are bound to have cavities.
